

Vortrag in englischer Sprache


Winners and Losers in the Global Economy


10. Dezember 1999
18.30 Uhr
Amerika Haus Frankfurt
Staufenstraße 1


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"In Turbo-Capitalism [German edition: Europa Verlag 1999], Edward Luttwak warns that the free market has gone amok. He predicts possible massive increases in poverty, crime, and unemployment, especially in the Third World, which lacks the political and legal systems of the U.S. Unlike the benign, carefully controlled capitalism that ruled from the 1940s to the 1980s, this new whirlwind capitalism will eventually create tremendous social upheaval. 'Allowing turbo-capitalism to have its way, as in the United States and the United Kingdom, results in widening income differentials in exchange for not-so-rapid growth,' writes Luttwak, who provides plenty of statistics to support his argument. Luttwak acknowledges that economic progress could be crippled if the world returns to the old model of government regulation, and this he calls the 'great dilemma,' with no easy answers. While Luttwak's interest is more global, he offers some domestic examples to illustrate the effects of capitalism unleashed. He points to Boeing, which suffered from massive layoffs in the 1990s, even as aircraft orders soared. And he ridicules the notion that high-tech will come to the rescue with thousands of new jobs for downsized blue-collar and white-collar workers, calling these hopes 'The Microsoft Mirage'." (Dan Ring)



An internationally recognized authority, Edward Luttwak has served as a consultant to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the National Security Council, and the U.S. Department of State. He is a member of the National Security Study Group of the U.S. Department of Defense, and an associate of the Japan Finance Ministry's Institute of Fiscal and Monetary Policy. He is the author of nine books and  serves on the editorial boards of Geopolitique (France), the Journal of Strategic Studies, and the Washington Quarterly. He received a Ph.D. from the Johns Hopkins University.



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Eine Veranstaltung des Amerika Hauses Frankfurt, des Europa Verlages und der Hessischen Gesellschaft für Demokratie und Ökologie in Zusammenarbeit mit der American Chamber of Commerce.